10 Lines on Jupiter (for Students)

By Anirban Saha

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Jupiter is the fifth planet in the solar system and the largest among all the other planets in our solar system. It is the largest among all the planets because its mass is more than almost all other planets. Jupiter is known for its iconic Great Red Spot, a giant storm that has been raging for hundreds of years.

The atmosphere on Jupiter is denser than any other planet. This planet is a gas giant planet.

If you are looking for lines on Jupiter, then you are at the right place.

Sounds interesting? Let’s get started!

10 Lines on Jupiter(Set 1)

1) Jupiter is the fifth planet in the solar system.

2) The surface temperature on Jupiter is 2.5 times higher than the surface temperature of Earth.

3) It is a gas giant planet with a diameter of 1.3 billion km.

4) Jupiter is the fifth planet in the solar system.

5) It is the largest planet in our solar system.

6) Jupiter is the largest among all the planets in our solar system.

7) The density of Jupiter is one-tenth of the density of Neptune.

8) Jupiter has a very thin atmosphere.

9) Most of the planets in the solar system are surrounded by a thick atmosphere and dense cloud cover.

10) The average distance between the solar system and outer planets is about 6.2 billion km.

10 lines on Jupiter(Set 2)

Jupiter as seen from the Hubble Space Telescope

1) Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun

2) It is the largest planet in the solar system

3) Jupiter has a diameter of almost 143,000 kilometers

4) It has a mass of 318 Earths

5) Jupiter has a very thick atmosphere 

6) The temperature on Jupiter is very high up to 800 Kelvin, so life can’t exist on the planet.

7) It has a Great Red Spot, which is a storm that has been raging for centuries

8) It has a very strong magnetic field

9) Jupiter is a gas giant made up of hydrogen and helium

10) Jupiter has 79 moons of which 53 are named.

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